Home ENGLISH NEWS Trevor Loudon: “We Are Facing a Communist Revolution”, by Fergus Hodgson

Trevor Loudon: “We Are Facing a Communist Revolution”, by Fergus Hodgson

Author, Documentarian Shares Stern Warning with Colorado Audience

One of the most ardent and long-standing anticommunist researchers spoke with as much intensity as he could muster this Tuesday evening in Loveland, Colorado. Trevor Loudon, an immigrant from New Zealand and the author of Stealth: Kamala Harris’s Communist Roots (392 pages, 2024), left no doubt about his message: the Democratic Party with Kamala Harris and Tim Walz is on the verge of achieving a Maoist one-party state.

“They are all part of the Maoist movement, the pro-China movement,” explained Loudon, whose book of the same title provided the content for the 2017 Enemies Within film. The vice-presidential candidate, who has traveled more than 30 times to China and bought and shared many copies of Mao Tse-tung’s Little Red Book, “is absolutely a Chinese communist asset.”

The 100 attendees gathered at the Message of Life Ministries church and could be described as grassroots constitutional conservatives living in a Democrat-leaning state. They came at the invitation of two local networks: Keep Colorado Free and Open and Perspectives 101. The former promotes the parallel, agorist economy via a private members association and a Substack publication. Perspectives 101 is an informal, email-driven educational initiative of “honest talk on current issues.” Yvonne Páez, who leads Perspectives 101, said the organization eschews a website and social media to avoid being targeted, since on occasion Perspectives 101 promotes civil disobedience.

Although not elated by Loudon’s sobering presentation—a 60-minute speech with few notes and no slides—the audience gave him a standing ovation and eagerly questioned him about further implications. There appeared to be little disagreement with his heartfelt call to action and grave conclusion: a Democrat-led amnesty for tens of millions of illegal immigrants—joining a modern iteration of the Marxist Rainbow Coalition—would all but ensure a California-style Democrat ruling class. Further, Loudon warned that a Democrat executive would attempt to add at least four US Supreme Court justices and pack the court with socialist ideologues who have contempt for the US Constitution. To rub salt into the wound, he predicted even more lawfare against those standing in the way of the one-party regime, such as conservative churches.

Mass amnesty, Loudon contended, would be a deathblow to a Republican Party that purports to represent the rule of law and traditional US values of individualism, decentralization, and constitutionally limited government. The GOP would “not [be] in a position to win nationwide elections.” On the other hand, if former President Donald Trump prevails, Loudon predicts rioting and violence. He recommends stocking up on provisions to avoid any crossfire.

One Larimer County GOP volunteer, during the Q&A period, shared that many people are now afraid to put up Trump-Vance lawn signs. Pamela Douglas, a retired registered nurse, hinted at the specter of violence: “people are coming into the GOP and picking up signs for their candidates and also for President Trump, and they are expressing that they feel … intimidated by their neighbors.” A lady who had traveled up from “the People’s Republic of Boulder” added that her town was strongly conservative in 1970. Now, however, any mention of support for Trump or J.D. Vance is a recipe for a foul-mouthed tirade and ostracism.

Perhaps given the audience, Loudon leaned heavily on Christian and biblical themes, and he emphasized the need for courage given the stakes at play: “This is about destroying America. This is the final push, folks.… This election is going to send America into a death spiral, or it’s going to send America into a new way, a new period where we can have even greater prosperity.” Although Colorado has the reputation of a Democrat stronghold, Loudon highlighted three competitive candidacies of national importance: Congresswoman Lauren Boebert‘s old District 3, her new prospect in Colorado’s District 4, which includes Loveland, and Gabe Evans in District 8.

A gentleman in attendance, Tom Niichel, had traveled down from near the border with Wyoming. His take-home was “motivation” and “a better understanding of what we are facing in America … a battle between good and evil.” Niichel is especially concerned about the border and illegal immigration: “We have a number of people that are hurting because of a natural event—a hurricane. We find out now that our government has been giving money to illegals, so we no longer have money to give to the people who have been here paying taxes.”

Julie Formby, a trustee with Keep Colorado Free and Open, said Loudon had come to speak a couple times in Colorado. She was pleased with the turnout on this occasion, given many competing events in the area. However, she is concerned some people in the network have grown tired and pulled back since the lifting of COVID-19 restrictions. Regarding the presentation, Formby says she was most startled to hear how many people can hold high positions in the US government while maintaining communist loyalties and being subject to no background checks.

A few other individuals and organizations used the opportunity to share their own causes and candidacies with the devoted crowd. Notably, Task Force Freedom shared bilingual pamphlets condemning school boards for promoting “sexual grooming” and “psychological manipulation.” The task force’s representative recommended withdrawing children from government schools, and that perhaps garnered the most applause of the night. Further, Donna Walter explained her candidacy for the Colorado House of Representatives, taking on the Democratic Party co-majority whip in District 53, which includes Fort Collins. A naturopathic clinician, she garnered fame for opposing lockdowns and vaccine mandates.

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