The week US media caught on to State Department criminality in Guatemala, by Steve Hecht


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Honest Guatemalan Attorney General Is David versus Goliath
A few of us have been working in the trenches for years to make known State Department (DOS) criminality in Guatemala. This month the story broke to a vast audience, thanks to two exposés by US journalists. Americans need action now: congressional investigations and heads rolling.

On May 7, 11 House members sent a letter to Secretary of State Antony Blinken highlighting anti-American DOS behavior in Guatemala. Shortly thereafter, Tucker Carlson and Robby Starbuck published videos—including in-depth interviews—on the same topic. These developments complement the work in BizPac Review and the Impunity Observer regarding the foreign-policy establishment’s betrayal of our country.

Tucker Carlson Gives the CICIG a Day in the Sun
Carlson interviewed former Guatemala Secretary of Intelligence (2016–2020) Mario Duarte about his first-hand experience of DOS imposition on Guatemala. Duarte, also a US citizen, said DOS has weaponized the government to force upon allied nations its “ideological projects and socialist narratives.”

Duarte was identified as part of the DOS attack on the UN-created International Commission against Impunity in Guatemala (CICIG). He called CICIG a “political persecution tool that specifically targeted conservative people under the guise of fighting corruption.”

More recently, DOS has employed throughout the region “direct threats,” including “taking away visas and different types of sanctions.” The intent is to coerce people to “toe the line to whatever narrative [DOS has] that day.” DOS has a “pervasive network of NGOs and international institutions” that cooperate with it.

Duarte mentioned that “under the guise of fighting corruption and countering narcotics, DOS imposed “socialist agenda ideas, gender ideology, and others aligned with the globalist UN agenda.” Duarte said that despite DOS spending hundreds of millions of dollars on counternarcotics, it has nothing to show for it.

Asked by Carlson to name some of the NGOs interfering in Guatemala, Duarte replied that one among many is the Soros Foundation, presumably referring to the Soros-backed Open Society Foundations. Carlson asked if DOS had knowledge of NGOs helping illegal migrants go to the United States from Central America. Duarte replied, “Not only with the knowledge of [DOS], but several of these NGOs were also getting money and are still getting money from USAID.”

Duarte says DOS has many tools to coerce Latin American leaders, and they apply them to elections. Duarte said the 2023 elections were marred by corruption inside the electoral authority. Carlson asked, “The [Joe] Biden administration helped cover up voter fraud?”

“Yes,” said Duarte. “[The Biden regime] definitely covered up for the president that supposedly won and actively tried to block the investigations of the fraudulent electoral process.” DOS sanctioned the investigating prosecutors. It summoned Guatemalans to the US embassy and threatened them and their businesses if they did not push for the investigations to stop, which is a felony.

Carlson responded that it is “so corrupt. It is sad to hear.”

Robby Starbuck Eyes DOS Ties to Child Trafficking

Starbuck’s interview of Angel Pineda, the general secretary of Guatemala’s Attorney General’s Office (AGO), mentioned some of the same points as Duarte. According to Pineda, DOS cut cooperation with the AGO and sanctioned him and Attorney General Consuelo Porras after she and Pineda fired 15 AGO personnel. Pineda added that not working with the AGO adversely affects US interests regarding combating transnational crime.

Duarte was identified as part of the DOS attack on the UN-created International Commission against Impunity in Guatemala (CICIG). He called CICIG a “political persecution tool that specifically targeted conservative people under the guise of fighting corruption.”

More recently, DOS has employed throughout the region “direct threats,” including “taking away visas and different types of sanctions.” The intent is to coerce people to “toe the line to whatever narrative [DOS has] that day.” DOS has a “pervasive network of NGOs and international institutions” that cooperate with it.

Duarte mentioned that “under the guise of fighting corruption and countering narcotics, DOS imposed “socialist agenda ideas, gender ideology, and others aligned with the globalist UN agenda.” Duarte said that despite DOS spending hundreds of millions of dollars on counternarcotics, it has nothing to show for it.

Asked by Carlson to name some of the NGOs interfering in Guatemala, Duarte replied that one among many is the Soros Foundation, presumably referring to the Soros-backed Open Society Foundations. Carlson asked if DOS had knowledge of NGOs helping illegal migrants go to the United States from Central America. Duarte replied, “Not only with the knowledge of [DOS], but several of these NGOs were also getting money and are still getting money from USAID.”

Duarte says DOS has many tools to coerce Latin American leaders, and they apply them to elections. Duarte said the 2023 elections were marred by corruption inside the electoral authority. Carlson asked, “The [Joe] Biden administration helped cover up voter fraud?”

“Yes,” said Duarte. “[The Biden regime] definitely covered up for the president that supposedly won and actively tried to block the investigations of the fraudulent electoral process.” DOS sanctioned the investigating prosecutors. It summoned Guatemalans to the US embassy and threatened them and their businesses if they did not push for the investigations to stop, which is a felony.

Carlson responded that it is “so corrupt. It is sad to hear.”

Robby Starbuck Eyes DOS Ties to Child Trafficking

Starbuck’s interview of Angel Pineda, the general secretary of Guatemala’s Attorney General’s Office (AGO), mentioned some of the same points as Duarte. According to Pineda, DOS cut cooperation with the AGO and sanctioned him and Attorney General Consuelo Porras after she and Pineda fired 15 AGO personnel. Pineda added that not working with the AGO adversely affects US interests regarding combating transnational crime.

The opinion of this article is foreign to Noticiero El Vigilante


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