Home ENGLISH NEWS Kamala Harris’s immigration mitigation that was not, by Steve Hecht

Kamala Harris’s immigration mitigation that was not, by Steve Hecht

Op-ed views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author

Kamala Harris’s claim in 2021 that she would mitigate emigration from Central America was phony and a distraction from the real driver of the Obama-Biden-Harris regime-backed illegal immigration. Canceling Donald Trump’s agreements with southern neighbors, which made asylum seekers apply outside the United States, opened the floodgates to immigrants.

Harris’s deceit is typical of the most dishonest administration in at least 80 years and maybe our entire history. From the outset, the regime’s agenda has been to create new voters, violence, and chaos by flooding the country with illegal immigrants and narcotics.

Almost all the Central Americans who emigrate do so for economic reasons and do not qualify for asylum. Asylum is for refugees from political persecution, which does not include fleeing violence.

Having to process millions of bogus asylum claims inside the United States has created delays of up to eight years for hearings. This is not incompetence. The presence of millions of illegals stuck in limbo is deliberate, criminal, and inhumane.

The immigrants have endured great hardships—including death, rape, and enslavement—at the hands of the Mexican criminal cartels. The vast majority of these migrants are subject to deportation because they do not qualify for asylum. They have suffered at the hands of and are paying billions of dollars to Mexican criminal cartels. This is a direct result of the regime’s criminal agenda.

Coinciding with the visit of Guatemalan President Bernardo Arévalo to the White House on March 25, Harris announced commitments to Central America Forward (CAF) exceeding $5.2 billion. An investigation by the Impunity Observer—of which I am the editor at large—found that $1.3 billion has been disbursed, and only a small portion of that was for legitimate capital formation.

The majority of the money “appears to be for education and microloan campaigns.” The regime created a 501(c)(3) to give donors a tax deduction for contributions and control fund allocations. While some of this has been a positive contribution, it is nowhere near enough to curb emigration.

Miami-based immigration lawyer John De la Vega told the Impunity Observer that people seeking US economic opportunities “will migrate regardless of any commitments made by investors in their home countries.” The Impunity Observer noted that “the complexity of the migration challenge cannot be solved with centrally planned economic investment, especially if legal and political conditions remain unaddressed.”

Proper law enforcement—protecting people and enforcing contracts—is necessary for sustained private investment, which creates jobs and reduces emigration. Harris reaffirmed to Arévalo the “US commitment to good governance and the rule of law.” Instead, as the regime she fronts does at home, US officials have committed crimes in Guatemala to promote an anti-American agenda.

The regime directed electoral fraud in Guatemala in 2023 to impose Arévalo. The Guatemalan nonprofit association Liga Pro-Patria (Liga) has promoted the rule of law for 26 years. It stated the fraud “was to regain control of our judicial system, hide [past DOS] crimes, and keep our country open for the flow of illegal migrants and narcotics to the United States.”

Guatemalan Attorney General Consuelo Porras, in her second four-year term, which ends in May 2026, has been the strongest US ally regarding illegal immigration and narcotics. Numerous US officials and departments have praised Porras, yet the regime on top has undermined her at every turn.

Arévalo and his regime puppet masters have illegally tried to remove Porras from office. Secretary of State Antony Blinken admitted before the House Foreign Affairs Committee (HFAC) to State Department (DOS) extortion of Guatemalan congressmen to pass a law to remove Porras. In June, DOS Assistant Secretary Brian Nichols also admitted the same DOS crime to HFAC.

Citizen journalist Robby Starbuck in May interviewed Porras’s Secretary General Angel Pineda about child trafficking from Guatemala to Texas. Pineda said he had been “warned by someone connected to the US embassy that he was ‘playing with fire’ by giving this interview.”

Stabuck’s post of the interview stated: “Guatemala’s AG is investigating child trafficking at the US border and it appears the Biden [regime] is retaliating.” The Homeland Security Department inspector general reported in August that 320,000 immigrant children were missing. The Liga stated: “Harris is responsible for 85,000 missing Guatemalan children,” of the missing 320,000.

Health and Human Services (HHS) whistleblower Tara Rodas says the regime could find the missing children, but “HHS is holding this data hostage” to protect the regime’s crimes.

DOS assistant secretary Todd Robinson visited Guatemala this month and met with congressmen. According to the Liga, this was an attempt to influence the appointment of judicial magistrates. Robinson announced another $50 million donation for “security and justice” in addition to the $50 million Harris had previously announced. The Liga stated: “The DOS inspector general should audit the $100 million to establish whether it has been used to pay bribes to elect magistrates.”

Joe Biden tasked Harris with mitigating illegal emigration from Guatemala and its neighbors. Instead, by destabilizing Central America, she and the regime have pushed even more people to emigrate.

The regime has subjected these migrants to the worst horrors—including women to rape and children to slavery—at the hands of the Mexican criminal cartels. So long as the process serves a Democrat one-party state, the Biden-Harris regime instigators could not care less.

The opinion of this article is foreign to Noticiero El Vigilante